About Laura Oldenbroek: Behind The Camera
Watch Laura photographing Tim Douwsma backstage at Linda.tv
Laura Oldenbroek is a Dutch photographer with a career that spans over 15 years. At the age of 18 she stopped studying “Food and Nutrition” to be able to photograph fulltime. Two years later in 2004 she opened her own studio to have a save place where her clients would feel home. Laura always takes good care of her guests and she knows how to make a person feel comfortable in front of her camera.
Today she is photographing for national and international record labels, artist managements, magazines and TV broadcasters. Her work is published on DVD&CD covers, merchandise, websites, press releases, newspapers and magazine. She is known for her social skills, reliability and fast delivery. She doesn’t care if she is photographing a new upcoming artist or touring with a well-known band, it’s all about the connection and the result the client was hoping for. Her photography style is raw, colorful, unique, strong, and a bit grainy.
When she is not on the road she is taking care of her friends and family. She loves music, gadgets, collecting old camera’s, traveling, fresh flowers, dogs, dining and cooking!