Blog A Glimpse at 7L Photography

Speciale promotie met Jesscia Mendels/Sabon in hun winkel op de Frederik Hendriklaan in Den Haag


, by Laura

To promote the opening of the brand new beauty salon at the Sabon store The Hague, we took some shots of ambassadress Jessica Mendels getting a beauty treatment.

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Ben Saunders

, by Laura

For the new EP of Ben Saunders we did a promotional shoot at a big place in Amsterdam. We tried a new style for Ben and I think it worked out great.

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Dutch Valley

, by Laura

For the organization of Dutch Valley, my team (7 photographers) and I covered all stages the festival site. Pictures were used on social media, the official website and will be used for the promotion of the festival next year.

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Sabon – Jessica Mendels

, by Laura

Sabon has great products all produced from delicate herbs and botanicals 100% natural. Jessica Mendels is the Dutch ambassador of the brand Sabon. For promotional photo’s we did an awesome shoot at Bliss Hotel.


Halls at Ziggo Dome

, by Laura

Even though I usually photograph people, sometimes my clients would love to have stills of their rooms for event planning. I have the right equipment, so for great clients I will make time to photograph stuff like that!

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